Source: shared on Pinterest

Source: shared on Pinterest

In an unforeseen twist, Will Gardner was taken from us, and far too soon! In his honor, I submit this quote from Dante’s Purgatory:

“Love kindled by virtue always kindles another, provided that its flame appear outwardly.”

And if that can’t be said about Will Gardner, who can it be said for? We’ll miss you and we’re sad to see you go.

Need a soothing balm for the new ache in your heart? Pick up my eBook for Kindle, Oral Satisfaction:

News flash!  Sexual gratification is no longer a “men’s only” club. Today women also want to enjoy the Pleasure Journey of climaxing during sex, especially after experiencing amazing oral sex.  But, oral sex is still taboo in the 21st century, and the Leave It to Beaver Era is still closed-minded to sexual gratification done in this manner.  Well, the Leave It to Beaver Era is over and done with, and modern women desperately want to achieve an orgasm during sex.